It’s that time of year again. Cooler weather can increase the symptoms of neuropathy. When your body is colder, your blood vessels constrict, making it harder for blood to get to the nerves in your hands and feet. The result is increased pain, making even the simplest mundane things so much more challenging. No one wants to live with chronic pain, especially during the holiday season with lots of things to be done and events to be attended.
You don’t have to “make it through” these cold months anymore. With Electric Cell Signaling Treatment, patients see great results in reducing pain. This non-invasive, drug free approach to eliminating symptoms of neuropathy can be your chance of freedom again. That first moment you realize that it doesn’t hurt anymore to do something as simple as slicing an apple makes all the difference in the world. The hope of a LIFE WITHOUT PAIN is the best kind of hope — especially when you really want to chase those grandkids around or attend that Thanksgiving play instead of sitting in a chair at home watching life go by.
If you are living with chronic pain due to the symptoms of neuropathy, call Neuropathy and Pain Solutions and schedule an evaluation. Our dream is for you to celebrate the season with much less pain than before. We understand what you are going through and want to help you enjoy prepping that Thanksgiving meal, and not have to take pain reducing medication to endure it.
We don’t use steroids or prescription medications, so you don’t have to worry about side effects. Don’t let this fall and winter take away your freedom because of pain. If you start treatment now, you will begin to feel relief before the real cold weather begins. Call 618-495-LIFE to schedule.
Neuropathy and Pain Solutions can help you live A LIFE WITHOUT PAIN. Start your new life today!