Symptoms of Neuropathy
Neuropathy is also known as peripheral neuropathy because of its effect on the body’s sensory and motor nerves. It is very common for patients to experience the first symptoms in their extremities (hands, arms, legs, and feet). When this occurs, it is referred to as Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy.

- Diabetes
- Vitamin deficiency
- Cancer
- Chemotherapy
- Infections or disease

Symptoms and Additional Information
- Experiencing tingling sensations in the extremities. This sensation is also described as a pin and needling feeling or prickling feeling.
- Having pains that are sharp and stabbing. Generally, these pains are worse in the evening.
- Burning pain in the lower limbs. Eventually, the burning will move into the arms and hands as the condition progresses.
- Muscle weakness and coordination problems. The muscles in the limbs may also become paralyzed. Patients also have an increased likelihood of developing foot ulcers and infections in the skin.
- Sensitivity to touch.
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Autonomic neuropathy happens when automatic nerves, which control body functions such as breathing, perspiration, and maintaining a heart rate, are affected.
- Mononeuropathy refers to damage to one peripheral nerve. Most commonly this is due to some form of physical injuries, such as a broken arm. The pressure placed on the nerve due to these injuries often causes the person to feel abnormal sensations such as tingling or numbness. In severe cases, prolonged pressure can cause the nerve to die resulting in a loss of function of the structure supplied by the nerve.
- Amyotrophy is a term that is often associated with suffers from diabetes. Amyotrophy specifically refers to damage to the nerves supplying your groin, buttocks, and legs. As the nerves traveling to these regions are damaged, so are the muscles causing them to become weak.
- Polyneuropathy is used to describe damage to more than one nerve throughout the body. Unlike mononeuropathies, polyneuropathies are typically due to some sort of systemic (whole-body) disorder such as diabetes, nutritional defeciencies, liver disorders, or cancer. Due to the fact that a greater number of nerves are involved, polyneuropathies are typically more severe than mononeuropathies.

The medical team at Neuropathy and Pain Solutions will perform a physical exam that includes a careful review of your symptoms and diagnostic studies to identify the issue. Our medical team will then work with you to develop a customized treatment plan to address your symptoms and the underlying cause.
The treatment plan may include Electric Cell Signaling Treatment (EST), a non-surgical treatment. A treatment in which, they apply carefully controlled electrical signals to the affected region which targets and helps soothe the damaged nerves. EST has a high efficacy rate, providing significant relief for up to 87% of patients who undergo the therapy. This innovative treatment provides significant reduction of nerve symptoms for patients. This FDA cleared treatment could eliminate the need for pain medication as it restores your mobility and overall function. At Neuropathy and Pain Solutions, we want to work with your body to get to the source of the pain, not cover up the pain.
Our team may also recommend physical therapy, ergonomic tools, and stretches.