Mental and physical health can be almost like the chicken or the egg, which comes first? They are so interrelated that it’s hard to tell if the physical challenge worsens the mental state or the mental state furthers the physical challenge. Are you in so much pain that you have trouble doing anything, or does your poor outlook on life cause you to stay in bed and not do the exercises needed to stop the pain? Either way, how do you break that cycle?
Even just a small sliver of hope can propel someone to do something out of the ordinary. Chronic pain due to symptoms of Neuropathy can easily take us to a place of depression. It might be because you can’t do your favorite activity anymore. You might be using a cane or wheelchair to get around and things are just harder to do, so why try? Or, your friends are off on vacations you can’t imagine being able to do with how you are feeling. The spiral downward can feel unending.
Doctor after doctor might have told you that the only thing you can do to combat the pain is with surgery or narcotics. But, that is not true. Electrical Cell Signaling Treatment (EST) at Neuropathy and Pain Solutions WORKS! We use a nonsurgical therapy. Up to 87% of patients feel significant relief from pain associated with symptoms of neuropathy. Plus, there are no side effects! EST targets and helps soothe damaged nerves, is essentially painless, and could eliminate the need for pain medication as it restores your mobility and overall function.
Hope for your future starts today when you call Neuropathy and Pain Solutions at 636-548-LIFE. Let us help you battle chronic pain so you can live life the way you deserve again.